Celtic Light

By Craig Alan Huber

This portfolio of ten prints honors the environs of the Celtic Land. Having traveled to most of the major continents in the world, I regard the light here as special. From the magical Calanais Stones to royalty at rest in Iona Abbey or a stone circle in County Mayo, I find solitude and introspection in this land. It is a land with light that seems to escape time.

I first began to see the Celtic Light and the way it could help inform a scene in 2004 during a sojourn to Ireland. This vision was extended in 2006 with a pilgrimage to Scotland. The images in this portfolio were all made with a 4x5 / 5x7 view camera. The view camera obliges a methodical process, appropriately matched to the careful study of light and how to record it for posterity.

Working in black and white film without the dimension of color to communicate, one focuses more on the quality of the light and what it can do to interpret a scene. Even in interior spaces, the light from the windows wash the scene with this light of particular quality. I realize that I have only scratched the surface of what lies here.

– Craig Alan Huber, June 2013


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