Veritas Editions is dedicated to the truth in beauty, and the beauty in truth. Formed in 2014 by photographic artist Craig Alan Huber, Veritas Editions’ goal is to communicate the message of truth and beauty through the publication of premium limited editions of combined image and narrative. As we live in an increasingly digital, texture-starved world, Veritas Editions brings that texture back into our lives with fine prints, papers, and materials matching the raison d’être of each publication.
In Roman mythology, Veritas, meaning truth, was the goddess of truth, a daughter of Saturn and the mother of Virtue. It was believed that she hid in the bottom of a holy well because she was so elusive. Truth may be elusive, but she is present and worthy of revelation.
We are honored to be recognized as the Book Publisher of the Year by the Lucie Foundation for 2022.
425.998.3890, Pacific Time Zone
Grapeview, WA
Works Included in the Following Institutions
The Vatican Library
The Bodleian Library, Oxford University
The Library of Congress
The Getty Research institute
The Huntington Library
UC Berkeley Bancroft Library Special Collections
Stanford University Cecil H. Green Library Special Collections
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles Mission Archival Center
Santa Clara University Special Collections
University of Washington Special Collections
Mission San Antonio de Padua Preservation Foundation
UC Santa Barbara Library Special Collections
Claremont Colleges Library Special Collections
Thomas Aquinas College St. Bernardine of Siena Library
Clements Library, University of Michigan
Carmel Mission Foundation
The National Steinbeck Center
Santa Barbara Mission Archive Library
UC Riverside Library Special Collections
University of San Diego
The Basilica of Saint Mary
The State Library of Victoria, Australia
The State Library of New South Wales, Australia
The State Library of Queensland, Australia
The State Library of South Australia
Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain
Biblioteca Hispánica, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, Madrid, Spain
Museo de Fray Junípero Serra, Mallorca
Individual Collectors throughout the US, Europe, and Australia
Book Artisanship and Letterpress
Veritas Editions Limited Edition fine press books are a true collaborative effort involving up to a dozen or more artisans each with a specific skill. For binding, the pages are hand folded, stitched, and glued one spread at a time. Each binding is handcrafted with archival materials chosen specially for each Edition. We delight in combining printing and binding techniques of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries to create volumes which make the best of new and old bookmaking methods. Books of this caliber take much more time to make – to print, to fold, to stitch, and to case in.
We hope this fine craftsmanship invites you to take commensurate time to feel the textures, turn the pages, and admire the prints – the way they deserve.